Proprioception Activities
WHAT is Proprioception?
According to Google, Proprioception is “perception or awarenesss of the position and movement of the body.
According to One Peachy Day, Proprioception is a type of sensory input to help children become more aware of their emotions, movement, and overall body.
WHY is Proprioception important?
It assist children with dysregulation by keeping them calm, focus and being able to control their emotions.
WHO needs these proprioception activities more?
Some of the signs where a child is seeking more proprioceptive inputs are:
Chews on everything.
Plays too rough with others.
Hits and crash to things often and sometimes randomly.
Sensory-seeking (ex. does not like certain textures or sensitive to loud sounds).
Hold onto writing utensils tightly.
No control of movement (ex. spills everything, falling/bumping into things).
HOW do we implement more proprioceptive activities daily?
Pushing heavy objects
pushing a grocery cart
Sensory activities
walk on grass
overall helping with daily chores
Balancing activities
Floor is lava game
Yoga (tree pose)
Tight hugs and heavy blankets
Playing and throwing them on couches/ball pits/foam pits
Products and Activities for Proprioception Activities: